Otros Servicios
Notary Public
-Notarización de documentos
-Notarizacionde documetos de prestamos hipotecarios.
-Permiso de Viaje para Menores
-Traducciones de actas
Servicios Adicionales para Negocios:
-BOIR con FinCen
-Statement of Information con Secretary of State
-Permiso de Vendedor (Sellers Permit)
-Manejo y pago de Impuesto sobre las Ventas (Sales Taxes)
-Registro de Nombre Ficticio (Fictitious Business Name)
Renew your ITIN if you have not filed taxes in the last 3 years, if you received a letter from the IRS or if your ITIN has the specified number by the IRS. We are certified for this process and you will NOT have to send your original documents.
More information...
Get medical coverage through Covered California.
You could get it anywhere of the year.
If you are low-income we can help you obtain Medi-Cal.
Small business group plans available!
Credit available for families with lower incomes at $30,950.00 a year. Households with parents with ITIN are also benefited. This credit increases your refund. Families with cash income also qualify.
Renew your ITIN if you have not filed taxes in the last 3 years, if you received a letter from the IRS or if your ITIN has the specified number by the IRS. We are certified for this process and you will NOT have to send your original documents.
More information...
Covered California
Get medical coverage through Covered California.
You could get it anywhere of the year.
If you are low-income we can help you obtain Medi-Cal.
Small business group plans available!
Earned Income Credit in California (CA EITC)
Credit available for families with lower incomes at $30,950.00 a year. Households with parents with ITIN are also benefited. This credit increases your refund. Families with cash income also qualify.
Find out how
Donald Trump's Tax Reform
impacts your tax return
(Effective from 2018 to 2025)
What applies to individual taxpayers
What applies to businesses
Subscríbase para recibir correos electrónicos informativos.
Find us on: Google
Contact us:
415 W. Valley Blvd. Suite 12
Colton, CA 92324
Tel. 909.222.4147
Fax: 909.222.4197
WhatsApp & Texts: 909.910.0751
We open year round
Current schedule:
Monday to Friday : 9 am - 5 pm
Saturday and Sunday: Closed